Could Your Chronic Pain Be Just Toxic Sludge Buildup In Your Organs And Systems?

Usually when an instrument or utensil we are using starts faltering, we clean it. The most common example is cleaning our vehicles inside and out; think oil filters. 

However, we rarely, if ever, clean the most complex machines ever designed; our internal organs [especially our brains] and systems. Then we wonder why our machine malfunctions. Unfortunately, they malfunction much earlier than expected. 

Why is it that we are so repelled by internal cleansing? We are are literally handcuffed by our comfort zones. 

Once we acknowledge our comfort zones and are ready to move beyond them, what cleanse do we choose and how long do we need to cleanse for? Is it a 1 day or 3 day or 7 day or 14 day or 1 month?

We already know that our chronic inflammation produces chemicals which are toxic to our body. However, these are not the only toxins our bodies must deal with. Here are just a few additional toxins our bodies must work hard to excrete safely from our bodies.

Elevated Cortisol levels

Cell death

Toxic overload

Low levels of Microbiota




The pathways that contribute to pain—- apoptosis, necroptosis, pyroptosis, NETosis

With an onslaught of toxins overburdening our bodies; the primary detoxifier, the liver is seriously overburdened. Not mention the accessory organs and systems throughout our body. 

Is it no wonder that we are in chronic pain 24/7 and it is getting increasing as time passes. 

So let me ask you again, will a 1 day or 3 day or 7-day cleanse be enough to cleanse this toxic onslaught? 

With an onslaught of toxins overburdening our bodies; the primary detoxifier, the liver is seriously overburdened. Not mention the accessory organs and systems throughout our body. 

Is it any wonder that we are in chronic pain 24/7 and increases over time?

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